Dragon Ball: Super made it's debut in Japan yesterday with it's first episode and within several hours of it's broadcast on Japanese TV, the opening and ending sequence found it's way to the internet (via SaiyanGamer93 and SaiyanIsland.com) and I have to say if you're a fan of the series you'll find both of them absolutely delightful. Feast your heart out:
In both sequences, there is a great mix of all the elements that defines the Dragonball franchise: the humor, the sense of joy and the action. The quality of the animation is also absolutely gorgeous----it's pretty much closer to Battle of Gods than anything we've seen from the series earlier. It all goes to show how much love and sincerity went in behind the new series. Of course, that's hardly surprising as Akira Toriyama himself is at the helm of Dragon Ball: Super.
Alongside the opening and ending sequences, there's also a preview of the second episode of Dragon Ball: Super which focuses on Vegeta's family trip. Check it out:
In both sequences, there is a great mix of all the elements that defines the Dragonball franchise: the humor, the sense of joy and the action. The quality of the animation is also absolutely gorgeous----it's pretty much closer to Battle of Gods than anything we've seen from the series earlier. It all goes to show how much love and sincerity went in behind the new series. Of course, that's hardly surprising as Akira Toriyama himself is at the helm of Dragon Ball: Super.
Ain't it awesome? |
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