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Wishlist for Dragonball: Super

As someone whose childhood was spent in the 90's, it's impossible for me to not become a fan of DragonballZ. I remember myself eagerly waiting for the weekends to arrive so I could find out how the evil Saiyans could be defeated or how Gohan, Krillin and Vegeta can stand against the Ginyu Force. DragonballZ was a pure, unadultered expression of everything that captures the sense of fantasy and innocence of childhood. That's why so many people around the world associate DragonballZ with their childhood. 

Needless to say, the release of Dragonball: Super as the continuation of the original story of DBZ has me completely stoked. And I'm sure it'll deliver, as Akira Toriyama himself is at the helm of the series, unlike Dragonball GT which Toriyama himself described as just a “side story”. The man must have some really great ideas as there's no other reason for him to return to the series after nearly two decades. 

As DB: Super will take place after the events of Battle of Gods and Revival of F, it's pretty much given that the story will take the franchise to never-before-seen territories (read: Universes) along with delivering spectacular fights that defies imagination. But there's also a few things I'd like to see in DB: Super beside it's own unique brand of humor, tragedy and jaw dropping action. Mostly because as much as the little kid in me is 'super' hyped for the next adventure of Goku and his friends, the grown up in me also wants the series to branch out a bit from it's simplistic way of storytelling. So here's my personal wishlist for the upcoming series. 

Less Fillers: As anyone who've watched DragonballZ will know that the pacing was one of the worse aspects of the show. Huge inconsequential story threads like Goku falling off the Snake Way or Gohan getting chased off by a wildcat did little except derail the flow of the main plot. Because of this, I really enjoyed DragonballZ: Kai which got rid of all the fat and greatly improved the pacing. Now, if the rumors are true then Dragonball: Super will be around 100 episodes which isn't very long so it'd be great if the series doesn't waste much time on side stories that do not amount to anything and cut straight to the main plot. 

Home Team
Giving the rest of the Z warriors some time to shine: In Battle of Gods, Gohan, Krillin, Gotenks, Piccollo and the others didn't really get to do much besides getting stomped by Beerus. That's really sad, considering the fact that Gohan was the most powerful character (non fused) back in DBZ and was originally intended by Toriyama himself to become Earth's new protector, taking the place of his father. As the new series will inevitably crank up the power levels of Goku and Vegeta even higher (they already attained two new forms for God's sake), the rest of the Z warriors may be rendered close to irrelevance. I really hope Toriyama gives the rest of the Z warriors something worthwhile to do in Dragonball: Super and maybe give Gohan and Piccollo some new power-ups to keep up with the big guys. 

One of the best things about DBZ was it's fully fleshed character arcs. Who would've thought that a series centered on superhuman beings clashing off against each other could develop a war criminal into a self sacrificing Father? It'd be a shame if DB: Super skips out on it's characters. 

Fusion, anyone?

Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Gogeta: Although Dragonball GT has been officially rendered non-canon by DB: Super, that doesn't make the power levels of it's characters any less impressive. In my opinion, SSJ4 Gogeta still holds the most incredible feats in the entire franchise (striking faster than the viewer can see, effortlessly stomping an Universe buster etc). Even Beerus hasn't come close to that level of power and he's far more powerful than Goku or Vegeta in their newest SSJGSS forms. It's unknown whether there will be SSJGSS2 or SSJGSS3, but right now, as it stands, the fusion between Goku & Vegeta in their SSJGSS form is the highest DB: Super can get in terms of power level, beside introducing a new villain more powerful than Beerus. And it'll definitely be a treat to see someone finally surpassing the Gods of the DB Universe. 

Punch, kick, Kamehameha, repeat

More diversity in Powersets: As mighty as the characters of DBZ are, they are highly limited to only physical based or energy based attacks. SSJ4 Gogeta is the only character (besides Janemba, if you consider Fusion Reborn as canon) who can operate on a wider spectrum of power. SSJ4 Gogeta's alteration of the Minus Energy Powerball was a matter manipulation feat. As DB: Super will take it's characters to levels higher than anything we've seen so far, it's only fitting that the main characters get a bit more diversity in their powersets. Eg. Reality warping, soul based attacks, etc. 

they're kinda same

A villain who has complex motivations and depth of character: Beerus was one of the reasons why Battle of Gods was so awesome. Here's an antagonist who is a refreshing change from the usual power-mad tyrranical bunch of villains we've seen from DBZ. Unlike the previous villains who only cared for power and domination, Beerus' childish antics fueled by an appetite for destruction and a surprisingly strong sense of wisdom makes him one of the few DBZ characters who's actually interesting to watch. As Battle of Gods can rightly be said as a grand re-introduction of the series, it'd be great if DB: Super includes more characters like Beerus. Perhaps a new villain who actually has ambiguous motivations as well as real depth to his character. It'd be a coming-of-age for the legendary anime. 

So long, childhood friend

A satisfying conclusion: The ending of Dragonball GT was symbolic, emotional and just like any proper ending, it left me NOT wanting more. It truly felt like a perfect closure, perhaps the best one the venerable franchise could've asked for. The theme of the Dragonballs symbolizing Goku also fits the whole series beautifully. 

But as DBGT is now officially non canon, we can only hope for a proper ending from DB: Super that ties everything together beautifully while leaving some future possibilites open. As DB: Super is probably going to be the last time we will be seeing Goku and his friends and families, it's ending also has to serve as an emotional closure for all these characters we've grown to love. I believe most fans will agree that the original ending of DragonballZ was a letdown, both in respect to it's characters and it's legacy so it goes without saying that the ending to DB: Super is going to be a supremely important one. We can only hope it delivers as well as end the whole series in a high note. 

The return of Goku and his friends on TV, in many ways, feels like a glorious revisit from childhood. I wholeheartedly hope that DB: Super makes the most of it's time besides giving today's kids' some true role models to look up to. Amen.


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