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Showing posts from August, 2024

Why Deadpool and Wolverine is yet another low point of the MCU

      Disclaimer: Mild Spoilers.   Like most things that go on for a really long time, the Marvel Cinematic Universe too, has it's share of missteps and low points that came mostly after the post-Endgame era (with notable exceptions being No Way Home and Shang Chi). But even in those films that have largely missed what they were going for and turned out to be mostly forgettable, they still had the distinct-MCU flavor and charm somewhere in them and still felt like a toned down version of the same great MCU that had sparked the joy of Superhero films Worldwide for more than a decade.  But it all changes with Deadpool and Wolverine, the latest entry in Marvel's billion dollar juggernaut franchise machine and it basically represents everything that's wrong about the kind of movie factory that prioritizes franchise expansive machinations than just making an earnest and memorable film which is true to it's source materials while still taking things to new territorie...

The Timeless looking Videogames

      Time is the ultimate yardstick for everything that exists which means something is truly and unquestioningly great when it can stand the test of time. And even in the rapidly evolving World of Videogame Visuals, there are three games that still stand out as some of the most graphically rich experiences even after close to a decade of their release, thereby proving that if made with enough Love and Care, some things can indeed transcend time. So without further ado, here are the timeless looking Videogames that haven't aged at all and can still look better than most games released even in 2024.    And instead of writing in lengths about how phenomenal their visuals are, I'll just post lots of in-game screenshots and let the images do all the talking. After all, a picture speaks a thousand words.   5. Batman: Arkham Knight (2015):    Hard to believe this game actually came out over 9 years ago...   If there's ever a game that showcases ju...