In the previous article, we've learned about the main pillars or key mechanisms of videogames in detail. And in this one, we’ll explore all the different layers in them and how they work and interact with one another within a game. So this article would be about how those 4 key mechanisms ‘work’ from the inside. Videogames are about interactive entertainment—they remove the line between the play and the player, so when you are playing a game, what’s also happening is that the game is also playing itself ‘through you’, and no it’s not as creepy as it sounds like. This is the main reason why different players, according to their preferences and perspectives, can experience the same videogame in different ways. Of course the game itself also provides the scope and the foundations for that kind of multi-faceted experience to take place. So what does that mean that the game is playing itself through You? It means, the necessary tools for the game to be ‘played out’, are n...