Over the years, we PC gamers had to give up freedom over our games because of the various digital rights management (D.R.M) schemes. In most cases, these end up punishing the legitimate customers than discouraging piracy----like Uplay didn't let me play Assassins creed 2 after a clean format. But in the current scenario of rampant piracy in PC games, simply cursing over D.R.M's can't lead to any solution. Think about it for a while----totally removing these draconian schemes from our games forever may not help PC gaming in any sustainable way. It certainly won't do anything towards reducing piracy and at worst, many AAA developers may stop developing for the PC platform altogether. What we really need is an alternate content securing system that will never get in the way of legitimate owners & reward them for their love of gaming instead of making them fearful for losing access to their games. It's not hard to notice the pattern in the majority of...